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Bios 4

Supporting Characters


Aidan Smith plays Avery Riles, secretary to Vale Soddenfeld, husband to Jeanette, lover to Angie Roundtree. What is it about this young man that draws such different women near him? For Vale it is his quick wit and competence in the workplace as her dependable assistant; for his wife his seeming dedication to her, and unrestrained loving; for Angie it is his proficiency in bed and the pillow talk she so sorely misses from her husband, Beau. Will Aidan's secrets be found out? Will Vale fire him for his personal indiscretions? Will Jeanette survive his betrayal? Lastly, will Aidan survive Angie's psychotic jealousy and need? Only time will tell.


Ivan Lawson is Guido Carluso, a loose cannon, lacking the intelligence of Pedro; he certainly gained the looks that Pedro was so severely denied. The lackey of the Carluso family, he often bungles jobs and were it not his blood ties he would have learnt to deep-sea dive long ago. Watch out for a potential affair with the naïve Yumi, and his putrid attempts at making good in months to come.


Jeanette Riles as played by Killy McNamara completely dotes on her husband Avery. A nurse at St. Ignacius, her kind heart often gets taken advantage of. Little does she know that her own husband is most guilty for this sin. Will she discover his treachery? Will she act upon her growing attraction to handsome Dr. Slate Letcher? Kismet and a steamy kiss may just change her role on Grecian Hills.


Young Melanie Roundtree played by newcomer, Tricia Hawthorne, is the effervescent child of Beau and Angie. Only mildly aware of the strife in her crumbling homelife, she develops an intense crush on none other than Alex Rorschach, boy genius. Her simplistic and youthful attempts for his attention and love, are easily ignored by Alex. After all, he only has eyes for voluptuous Eslé. Just what ends will Melanie go to for Alex's attention and ardor? Will she discover her mother's infidelity? This and more in weeks ahead...

Read Melanie's Love letters to Alexander.

Alex's Mailbox

Interested in being an extra? E-mail us pictures and a summary of your acting experience at grecian-hills@lycos.com. Clothes ON please.

Bios 5